Just Me and my Music.
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<< Greetings from Tahoe! (well, not right now..) >>

Sorry i don't update. I live in Lake Tahoe now and taking advantage of it's earthly beauty taking in the sights, sounds and smells. Ahhhh the great out-of-doors. I am now home for the holiday and am REALLY excited to see my computer. *sniffle* it's been sooo long *sob* I hope everyone is well. I think my gold membership ran out weeks ago and i have no intention of paying for another few months, soooo my site might crap out in a while but NO WORRIES! i'll still write when i'm around whether or not my site looks cool. Oh no...my guilty pleasure just came on...Coldplay. Warning Sign is the best song on their latest album...and thats whats on OH GOD! *SOB* i'm gunna cry. I gotta go before i blow up.

-11.21.04//2:44 p.m.

Life is too short to be a hater.

*_ Past ||Future _*
